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I currently focus on my private practice, in person or on-line.

Since the beginning of my career I invested in my continuous formation, as a member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Field Forums since its foundation. At this institution I was the Clinical Formations Coordinator and I am currently a Delegate at the International Forums and a member of the Board.

In parallel, as a commitment to social responsibility, I offer psychotherapy to children and families at the NGOs Nosso Olhar and Lado a Lado, which assist children and teenagers with special needs and their families.

For 9 years I lived in South Africa, where I completed my PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies.

During this period I also helped victims of crimes through the NGO Victim Support which works with the Johannesburg Police and I also organized Workshops on Aggressivity at the NGO Mzanzi-Brazil linked to the Brazilian Embassy in Pretoria / South Africa.

Written and published texts

Sublimation, anguish and art
Love and its paths
Fantasy: subject's shelter
Dialectic of desire: between lack and cause
The subject in psychoanalysis
Anguish in analysis
From identifications to identification
Desire in the work of Guimarães Rosa
The cartel and group effects
Cause of desire: principle of the act
Baroque (with) figuration of pain
A hysterical question: the third
among others
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